Just testing to see if I can still blog.
Christina Milian!
The Facebook - Micheal Phelps Relationship

The Baltimore native swimmer Micheal Phelps along with NBC, has been giving facebook.com a lot of mentions lately after his historic 8 gold winnings. I think one of the first questions Bob Costas asked Phelps was something after mentioning how he has surpassed Obama, among other huge brands/names on facebook. Then in another interview Micheal Phelps brought up how he's receiving friend request from former schoolmates that disrespected him then and what not. So now I guess facebook is returning the favor by making an announcement box on top of everybody's newsfeed congratulating Phelps (and a ll the U.S athletes).
Couple of great movie quotes
Alicia: Try me.
Nash: I find you very attractive. Your aggressive moves toward me indicate you feel the same. Still ritual requires that we continue a number of platonic activities before we can have intercourse. But all I really want to do is have sex with you as soon as possible. Are you going to slap me now?
Alicia: (kisses Nash in the mouth): How was that result?
And then, recently I finished watching Into the Wild. Some nice quotes from that movie I thought were:
"When you forgive, you love."
- The old man Ron Franz
"Happiness only real when shared."
- Chris wrote in a book as he was about to die.
Now I don't how important it is to forgive and love someone, but I think it's definitely true. The one Chris wrote about happiness being real only when shared is true too. The whole movie was given you the idea that you can be happy in solitude. The lesson is that no, happiness is only real when shared. I thought that was brilliant. I kind of wished (and still think) one can be happy in solitude. Just maybe not for long.
Plurk: An anti-micro blogger’s perspective
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Summer 2008 Movies To See
Mongol | June 6, 2008 (Status: Nevermind, I'll wait till it comes to netflix)
You Don't Mess with the Zohan | June 6, 2008 (Status: watched, it was eh)
Get Smart | June 20, 2008 (Status: not sure anymore... netflix maybe)
Love Guru | June 20, 2008 (Status: nevermind, hear a lot of bad things about this one)
Hancock | July 2, 2008
Dark Knight | July 18, 2008
Bangkok Dangerous | August 22, 2008
College | August 29, 2008
I don't know if I'll be able to watch them all but I will sure love to.
Last Saturday of the Spring 2008 Semester
Today turned out to be fun actually. I had brunch with my good friend Territa who's getting ready to graduate. We talked about things, life, etc.
Then I went out to Patapsco Valley Park with my old Grad School boss Nick Yeates. and I've experienced the true outdoors: running through the woods across a muddy terrain, jumping across water streams/falls. It was a new and fun experience. I was barely able to keep up though I did, haven't exercised in a month or so.
We stopped by his and my old professor - Roy Rada's house which was somewhat interesting in that he gave me a C and thus I now have to retake that damn annoying IS300 class. But I balled up my feelings and enjoyed a beautiful view of Baltimore on his rather large properties. They had a huge back yard, an abandoned bathhouse/shack, it was wild. Now I'm back chillen, trying to study for an Accounting Final that does not matter.
Since I let him borrow 'The Waking Life' I played a few matches of Halo 3. The Waking Life is a good movie, I like a lot of the philosophical questions of life that it contains. There's a very cool chillout mix by Digital Witchcraft called Proton Radio Mix (2003-07-30) that uses a couple of the samples in there. Both the movie and that mix are absolute favs of mine. Hope he likes it.
Loved this quote from the movie:
You haven't me yourself yet, but the advantage of meeting others in the meantime, is that one of them may present you to yourself. Examine the nature of everything you observe.
and also this about the nature of the universe + time from the last scene I believe:
There's only one instance - it's right now, it's eternity. An instance in which god is posing a question... do you want to be one with eternity? Do you want to go to heaven? We're all saying nnnno thank you, not just yet... so time is this constant saying no to god's invitation. That's what time is. Narrative of everyone's life. Moving from the no to the yes... Visit to the life of the dead in a dream.
Went to the gym and ran 2.22 miles in 18 minutes! The exclamation point is for that being my best time as of late. I think I averaged 22-24 minutes in the past. Felt good and lightheaded afterwards. Also got on the bike just to past time afterwards. All this before a spending a little bit of time in the weight room. It was either gym or accounting. Accounting sucks, I have no one to help me and it's my worst subject. I might want to drop it and take it at a community college over the summer. Even though I had plenty of time to attack some accounting homework, I passed that up instead to watch Shanghai Kiss, a surprisingly pretty good movie via Netflix Instantly Play feature. Also ordered a small hunan beef with some teriyakis. A pretty good day today.
Also caved and resubscribed to deviantArt for another year. I was upset with the way the company handle itself (still am) but for whatever reason, I am now resubscribed.