Facebook's Server Room
Posted by
on January 28, 2008
Such nicely kept infrastructure! More on facebook's servers:
1. Largest production memcached install?
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Lovely Faces in The Dark
Posted by
on January 23, 2008

I was doing my own thing, then I took a break in the middle of vectoring. While browsing on deviantArt, I happened to revisit the talented Mireille (aka Colourfool) and her piece titled "Blue Ice." It's been a while since I saw it. Then I noticed how similar their poses are. I liked Blue Ice so much that I can't quit staring at it, and now it's my wallpaper. So I was inspired and I tried to extend the black background to see if I can get a similar effect. It was a fun little experiment. The original image reference I found randomly and have no idea who the lovely lady is (anybody knows?).
Two Seasons of Dexter is 20 Straight Hours of Great Entertainment
Posted by
on January 22, 2008

The first season was fun. I enjoyed the mind games his brother was playing on him. Dexter still had his anonymity but the writers were emphasizing that theme with every episode. That theme was mostly in the bg though, they were focused on the Ice Truck killer. His brother was a complete weirdo, still like his meticulousness, but still, the theory behind it, his past, just not as interesting and full as Dexters as it should be since Dexter is the main character.
Season 2 picked off right where the first season left. Main theme was surrounding the Bay Harbor Butcher and the thrill level really picked up because Dexter was somewhat loosing it with all the problems thrown at him. That's why the season finale was one of the best closures to a season I have seen. It concluded almost everything I can think of. The only valid speculation I can make is that Lt. Maria LaGuerta will now take place of her lost coworker and friend, Sgt. James Doakes, as being too suspicious. Not sure if I'll like that, it felt uncomfortable to see Dexter's coworkers being too suspicious like that. So, a lost brother that is also a serial killer and a speculation of the Bay Harbor Butcher. What will they think of next?
Dexter is definitely added to my array of great shows like House and Heroes. Good to know the third season will be produced although anything can happen with this stupid writer's strike. There was no way those that know of Jhonen Vasquez's JTHM Johnny The Homicidal Maniac and Death Note couldn't have picked off any similarities. Here's an interesting summary of similarities with Death Note and Dexter. Not that it matters, they are all too different as well. Dexter had some deep physiological life lessons (if you can call them that) like visualizing who you want to be, acceptance, etc. All in all, it's been good fun and hoping to add Dexter along with House next fall.
Broadband in Japan vs U.S
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Man, Japan got some blazing speeds! I tested my Internet connection bandwidth and here's my result:

Compare that to Danny Choo at Tokyo, Japan:

Not only do they get a bunch of video games and technology before the rest of the world (usually), Japan also have some of the fastest internet in the world! Not bad Japan. I will have to test the T1 connection at my school when I go back.
Compare that to Danny Choo at Tokyo, Japan:
Not only do they get a bunch of video games and technology before the rest of the world (usually), Japan also have some of the fastest internet in the world! Not bad Japan. I will have to test the T1 connection at my school when I go back.
Entertaining Distractions
Posted by
on January 17, 2008
What can I say, not happy with where I am currently at and thinking for too long is so draining and depressing, so I am renting a lot of Home Movies. It's such a cool script-heavy cartoon. It looks low budget and wacky but it's somehow one of my favorite piece of animation hehe. Also, I don't watch American Idol but I always find the early episodes hilarious! Check out this guy from Season 7's premiere. I laughed so hard I couldn't stand up straight for a good 2 minutes.
Art Streiber: Entertainment Photographer
Posted by
on January 05, 2008
Man, this is probably one of the best photographers I've come across. Or at least he has the best gigs. I done prior seen so many amazing photos of my favorite shows like House and The Office, and famous people covering big time Magazines, and these guys are behind them. Just amazing. Must see photography, the site is simply minimalistic and easy to navigate as well.

Found via hellocolor
Found via hellocolor
Annie Vector
Posted by
on January 02, 2008
Happy 2008 people, was taking a break from the addictive digg website. Not to mention I'm frustrated with them a little bit. So I was browsing flickr and actually opened up AI and did a vector of this really cute pic of Annie. Been procrastinating for a long time. It's about time. I thought it wouldn't take long, which didn't but still longer than I thought, spent about a whole day I think.